

by: Lucas Eugene Blaine Hollingsworth

“Happiness is only real when shared”

Christopher “SuperTramp" McCandles

Theirs something real in Chris’s message. We humans being tend to forget that. We can’t really help ourselves but we also don’t try very hard to stop it either.

We tend to make very large messes in a very short amount of time, almost as if on a subconscious level we drift towards these instances of total calamity only to narrowly avoid a certain difficulty or uncomfortable situation at the last second.

This game of emotional chicken can last for years. The most common reaction is lust confused as love. Sadly most people will never know what true love is. That feeling like your life has changed permanently just having encountered this perso. You will fundamentally choose to change your entire lifestyle voluntarily without realizing it.

The catch is that word lust and it’s implications. If sex or physical contact are your immediate reaction you should step back and ask yourself if you really want what you want. There isn’t a rewind button an on life and meaningless physical contact leaves a mark even if you can’t see it.

However if you get this feeling down deep from somewhere that you can’t function unless you know that there are thinking of you. When you’re only aim is to increase there overall quality of life. That my friend is someone you need to grab on to and never let go of. These men and women can change your life if you take a chance.



Lucas Eugene Blaine Hollingsworth

Freelance writer and artist. My personal experience is that your personal experience is what makes you a unique and beautiful human being and worthy